วันพุธที่ 2 กุมภาพันธ์ พ.ศ. 2554

Some Information about Luxemburg

Bon mercredi,

Aujourd'hui je vous pre'sente le Luxembourg.
Le Luxembourg est en Europe.


Continent:             Western Europe
Official Name:      Grand-Duche’ de Luxembourg
Capital:                 Luxembourg City
Language:            Luxembourgish (Letzebuerg),  French,  German
Motto:                  “We want to remain what we are.”
Anthem:              “Our homeland”
Ruler:                    Grand Duke
Population:           450,000
Area:                     <1,000 sq.miles

Area code:          352

Domain:          lu
The world’s only remaining sovereign Grand Duchy
The world’s highest GDP per capita (by IMF and WB)
Predominant:    Roman catholic
Neighboring countries:  Belgium, France, Germany


